Created in 2009, and a CNRS Joint Research Unit (UMR 8259) since 2016, the Department of Economics now brings together more than forty researchers under the direction of Thierry Mayer.
The Department initially developed around a core of fundamental topics: political economy, international economics, labour economics and econometrics. Over the last few years these topics have broadened to include a theoretical economics research cluster, researchers specialized in development economics and, extending its expertise in macroeconomics, dealing notably with informational frictions. The Department’s research agenda combines both theoretical and empirical approaches. All of these fields of research share a common interest in addressing public policy issues trade, monetary, fiscal, labour market or development policies to which are applied state-of-the-art quantitative methods.

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Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers

The Department of Economics publishes a discussion paper series focusing on the current research of our faculty members. Our goal is to make this early research available to fellow economists, scholars and institutions all over the world. To that end, we have created a special collection called the Sciences Po Economics Discussion Papers.




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Open access

73 %

Research data