The Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP) is a research platform at Sciences Po funded under the "Investissements d'avenir" programme of the French National Research Agency. Created in 2011, this laboratory is being redeployed since 2020 in partnership with the University of Paris (UP). Its aim is to develop the evaluation of public policies through an interdisciplinary scientific approach. The research carried out at LIEPP analyses the functioning and effects of numerous public policies such as educational policies, environmental policies, migration policies, health policies, and social and socio-fiscal policies. They address, in a transversal way, the public policy dimensions of major societal issues, such as environmental risks, inequalities, discrimination, the crisis of expertise and democracy.
The collections ↓
Working Paper
Written by one or more researchers from an ongoing project, the working paper aims to stimulate scientific discussions and to contribute to a better understanding of the topic.
Policy Brief
Policy Briefs are intended to present the results of research that has already been completed, and that has already been validated in the form of a research report or scientific article, for example, which should be referenced in the PB.
Publications in the “Débats du LIEPP” collection present an overview of the different scientific positions on a public policy evaluation question. They generally include politician's reactions to the scientific public policy debate as well.
Reports published with the contributions of LIEPP members.
Fiches méthodologiques / Methods briefs
LIEPP methods briefs present a variety of approaches and methods of evaluation in a concise way, including quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods.
This work benefit from the support provided by the ANR and the French government under the Investments for the Future program LABEX (ANR-11-LABX-0091, ANR-11-IDEX-0005-02) and the Idex University of Paris (ANR-18-IDEX-0001).