Book Sections Year : 2015

Taking time seriously


The end of the monopoly of sociologists on social scientific network analysis has raised new questions about time and space in networks. This paper, mostly intended to be read by historians, archaeologists and political scientists, reviews existing works and circumscribes open questions as regards time, and especially historical time. It presents two currents of research that have produced cumulative results: on the one hand, the production of interpretable animated visualizations of changing networks, and on the other hand, the so-called "actor-oriented" statistical modeling of network dynamics. It also presents comparatively under-discussed questions: those that have to do with the definition, gathering and coding of data, and the drawing up of hypotheses.
Cet article discute des manières de prendre en compte le temps en analyse de réseaux. Il présente la littérature sur le sujet en essayant de distinguer les questions déjà assez bien connues (la présentation visuelle sous forme d'animations, la modélisation de type Siena) et celles, beaucoup moins discutées, qui ont trait à la construction des données, et en particulier à la datation des liens, ainsi qu'à l'élaboration d'hypothèses prenant les temporalités en compte.
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Claire Lemercier. Taking time seriously. Marten Düring; Markus Gamper; Linda Reschke. Knoten und Kanten III, Transcript Verlag, pp.183 - 211, 2015, 9783839427422. ⟨hal-01445932⟩
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